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UCSD Surgical Pathology Unknowns
Bone and soft tissue
Case 62
A 80 year old female with an adnexal mass. p16 What's the IHC panel you would like to order? The tumor was found to have positivity for...
Case 59
A 87-year-old female with abnormal uterine bleeding and she was found to have a large cervical mass. What's the possible diagnosis? A:...
Case 55
A 65-year-old male was found to have a 13 cm abdominal mass. What immunostains you would like to order? What is your diagnostic line for...
Case 38
A 40-year-old female with a 5.0 cm subcutaneous abdominal mass. What stain will you order to work up and what's the likely diagnosis?...
Case 37
A 50-year-old male with a 6.7 cm thigh mass and here is the biopsy. What stains you would like to order? The tumors are classically...
Case 36
A 70-year-old female with a prior diagnosis of malignant thigh mass and presented with a lesion in the brain, here is the CSF specimen...
Case 25
A 30-year-old male was found to have large intra-abdominal mass. Tumor positive for keratin. Answer This is a case of desmoplastic small...
Case 4
A 70 year old male with a large anterior mediastinal mass. 1.What's the morphology impression? A: Germ cell tumor, favor yolk sac tumor...
Case 2
A 30-year-old female with an incidental finding of supraclavicular mass with calcification. CD10 diffusely positive What's your...
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