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UCSD Surgical Pathology Unknowns
Daily Note
A case of NTRK-rearranged neoplasm
Coexpression of S100 and CD34 by immunohistochemistry is the key. These tumors exhibit a broad range of morphologies and histological...
Frozen section in ovary tumor
If diagnosis of malignancy or ‘ at least borderline ’ is made at FS, surgical staging can be performed immediately, averting a second...
When to think about myoepithelioma?
A list of the top ddx:
New entity: Myoepithelioma-like Tumors of the Vulvar Region
ER EMA+; INI1 loss
Clear cell RCC morphology but you see smooth muscle stroma?
Credit: Dr. Ren Dong from UC Irvine RCCFMS is short for renal cell carcinoma with fibromyomatous stroma. The top ddx are clear cell RCC...
Flat lesion in urothelium, hyperplasia or dysplasia?
For flat lesion, dysplasia is not well-recognised now; either normal/hyperplasia versus CIS. A diagnosis of dysplasia needs comment: An...
What does atypical mucinous glandular proliferation mean in a endometrial biopsy?
The diagnostic line example is: -Atypical mucinous glandular proliferation (see comment). COMMENT : Sections show crowded glands and...
Tumor metastatic to bone
A list of sarcoma that can met to lymph node is below: clear cell sarcoma, angiosarcoma, epithelioid sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and...
Does micropapillae equal to serous?
A helpful clue for serous morphology is the irregular luminal border (micropapillae or tuftings of cells). In this example, the...
Fascicles of spindle cell neoplasm
A case of cellular myofibroma
Mesonephric remnant, hyperplasia or carcinoma in cervix
Mesonephric (Wolffian) duct regresses in females during embryological development; Interestingly, mesonephric remnants in the adnexa are...
HMGA-2 rearranged tumors
Pleomorphic adenoma, HMGA2::WIF1in canalicular pattern Conventional and intramuscular lipomas Soft tissue chondroma Salivary duct...
Is it a molar pregnancy or just a POC?
Marked circumferential trophoblastic hyperplasia; One cell population Cistern Edematous villi > 2.5 mm for example at 10x, the full...
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