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UCSD Surgical Pathology Unknowns
Head and Neck
Case 65
A 67 year old male presented with a 4.5 cm skin lesion on the upper back. Guess the stain What's your diagnosis? A: trichoepithelioma B:...
Case 64
A 73-year-old female presented with a submandibular mass. Which translocation is most commonly found in MECs, leading to the expression...
Case 50
A 67-year-old male presented with an upper lip lesion. What's your impression by morphology? A: Metastatic clear cell renal carcinoma B:...
Case 21
A painless 3 cm mandibular mass was found in a 30-year-old male. What is the diagnosis? A: Fibrous dysplasia B: Osteoblastoma C: Osteoid...
Case 17
A 30-year-old female was found to have a mass at superior half of the nasal septum. The tumor was found to be positive for...
Case 15
A 70-year-old male with a parotid lesion. Biopsy was done. What's the diagnosis by morphology? A: pleomorphic adenoma B: Basal cell...
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