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UCSD Surgical Pathology Unknowns
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Case 52
A 45-year-old patient presented with early satiety and she was found to have gastric polyp. What's the top line diagnosis? A: Low grade...
Case 51
A 56-year-old male was found to have a testicular mass. 1. Which of the following features is characteristic of GCNIS cells? A) Small,...
Case 50
A 67-year-old male presented with an upper lip lesion. What's your impression by morphology? A: Metastatic clear cell renal carcinoma B:...
Case 49
A 50 year old female with a mass involving bladder, and rectum. Here is the section with bladder mucosa. She has a history of cervical...
Case 48
A 45-year-old female with an endometrial mass. P53 What's the diagnosis? A: High grade endometrioid carcinoma, FIGO3 B: Mixed...
Case 47
A 70-year-old women who presented with abnormal uterine bleeding and she underwent an endometrial biopsy. The tumor is strong and...
Case 46
A 56-year-old female with a ovarian mass. What is the diagnosis? A: Teratoma B: Endometrioid carcinoma C: Adult granulosa cell tumor D:...
Case 45
A 85-year-old female with a right lower lobe lung mass. What's the morphology impression of big category? A: Primary lung benign neoplasm...
Case 44
A 66 year-old-female presented with abnormal cells (AUS) on PAP smear and here is the endocervical curettage. Would you do additional...
Case 43
A 56-year-old female with a 4.7 cm right breast mass, and here is the core biopsy: 1.What is the morphology impression? What is the IHC...
Mutations in papillary thyroid carcinoma
Category Subtype/Details Genetic Alterations Notes / Associations Histologic Subtype Associations Tall Cell PTC - BRAF p.V600E (80%) -...
Case 42
A 56-year-old female with a 6.3 cm infiltrative mass in the right breast. 1.What is the nuclear grading of this lesion? Table from CAP...
HGPIN versus AIP versus IDC-P
Feature HGPIN AIP IDC-P Definition Proliferation of atypical epithelial cells within preexisting ducts/acini without invasive features....
Hemosiderotic Fibrolipomatous Tumor (HFLT)
Karyotype Near-diploid karyotype with balanced or unbalanced t(1;10)(p22-p31;q24-q25) , loss of material from 3p , and amplification of...
Case 41
A 80-year-old female with an cystic ovarian mass. 1.What's the molecular mutation of this entity? A: DICER1 B: FOXL2 C: AKT1 D: GNAS...
Case 40
A 57-year-old female with some discoloration of the vulva mucosal region and here is the excision, 1.Which of the following mutation is...
Case 39
A 65-year-old female presented with a large submucosal mass in stomach. What's the likely diagnosis and the immuno you would like to...
Case 38
A 40-year-old female with a 5.0 cm subcutaneous abdominal mass. What stain will you order to work up and what's the likely diagnosis?...
Case 37
A 50-year-old male with a 6.7 cm thigh mass and here is the biopsy. What stains you would like to order? The tumors are classically...
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