A case of HGPIN with foci suspicious for cancerJan 18lesson: sneaky glands with prominent nucleoli with adjacent big glands show similar cytomorphology; you might want to consider everything here is HGPIN and just cut different sections to make this appearance Case credit: Dong Ren, MD, UC Irvine.
lesson: sneaky glands with prominent nucleoli with adjacent big glands show similar cytomorphology; you might want to consider everything here is HGPIN and just cut different sections to make this appearance Case credit: Dong Ren, MD, UC Irvine.
Mutations in papillary thyroid carcinomaCategory Subtype/Details Genetic Alterations Notes / Associations Histologic Subtype Associations Tall Cell PTC - BRAF p.V600E (80%) -...
HGPIN versus AIP versus IDC-PFeature HGPIN AIP IDC-P Definition Proliferation of atypical epithelial cells within preexisting ducts/acini without invasive features....