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Case 10

Updated: Jan 23

A 30-year-old male with multiple lung nodules identified and here is the largest one:


  • Lymphoma

  • Small cell carcinoma

  • Poorly differentiated carcinoma

  • Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma

You can vote for more than one answer.

  1. Based on the differential diagnosis, a panel of stains were performed; The lesional cells are positive for TLE1 and focal weak positive for CD99 immunostain and are negative for pankeratin, SOX10, TTF-1, chromogranin, synaptophysin, CD45, Pax8, WT1, myogenin, desmin immunostains. INI1 immunostain is retained. While waiting the molecular results, how do you sign out the case?

    A: Small round blue cell tumor, see comment

    B: Small round blue cell tumor, favor Ewing sarcoma

    C: Small round blue cell tumor, favor synovial sarcoma

    D: High grade maligancy, see comment


2. FISH showed SS18-SSX fusion, what is the final diagnosis?



Case credit: UCSD Pathology

Author: Wangpan Jackson Shi, MD

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