A 65-year-old female presented with a large ovarian mass.

What's the diagnosis?
A: Clear cell carcinoma
B: HG serous carcinoma
C: Yolk sac tumor
D: Clear cell carcinoma with yolk sac differentiation
References: Kuwashima Y, Uehara T, Kurosumi M, Era H, Sano Y, Takahashi M, Shiromizu K, Matsuzawa M, Kishi K. Cytological distinction between clear cell carcinoma and yolk sac tumor of the ovary. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 1996;17(5):345-50. PMID: 8933827.
Case credit: https://qp-qp.91360.com/pc/9ad481c0394c38c2e3a2da2a55b808bc?userKey=&lang=en&cname=qpLib
Author: Wangpan Jackson Shi, MD